Ritz London The world's greatest hotel, as conceived by the world's greatest hotelier. |
Citi Citi was built to create a highly diversified financial services company that could act as one to deliver solutions to clients throughout the world. |
Orange Orange UK is part of the France Telecom Group of companies. |
Deloitte LLP Is the brand where dedicated independent firms throughout the world collaborate to provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services to selected clients. |
Wilson James Leading providers of managed security and customer services in the UK. |
Simpson Thacher Is a global law firm with offices in New York, London to name few. The firm has currently 800 lawyers. |
Pfizer The worlds leading pharmaceutical company. |
CapitalOne Is one of the top ten credit card issuer in both the UK & USA. |
Marriott Luxury chain of hotels. |
International Data Group IDG is the worlds leading technology media, events and research company. |
Baxter Food Group Manufacturers of food products since 1868. |
AIG One of the largest insurers and specialise in providing innovative insurances products. |
Lehman Brothers An international financial institution. |
MSE Consultants Oil and gas engineering consultants. |
DVLA The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency is an Executive Agency of the Department for Transport (DfT). |
Cable & Wireless One of worlds leading telecommunications companies. |
Cranfield University Mission to transform knowledge into ingenious solutions in science, technology and management places us at the forefront of some of the world’s most practical, cutting-edge projects. |
Avanti Architects Avanti Architects is a London based practice established in 1981.
Austin Consultants Cover almost every aspect for which LabVIEW system integration can be of service. |
Datapoint Global Communications Datapoint is a systems integrator for enterprise and call centre communications covering all related infrastructure and applications. |
NHS National health service. |
BT Openreach Part of BT Group providing communication products. |
Nationwide Nationwide building society, one of UK's leading banks. |
McDonalds Rest Ltd UK's leading fast food chain. |
Barclays Barclays is a major global financial services provider engaged in retail and commercial banking to name few. |
Atlas Advisors Ltd Independent financial institution to private clients. |
G4S The world's leading international security solutions group. |
McCann Erickson With agencies in 160 cities in 111 countries, is the strongest global advertising network. |
Robert Walters Plc Recruitment & HR outsourcing specialists. |
Transport for London London Transport. |
MpHasis MphasiS consistently delivers global Infrastructure Technology Outsourcing, Applications Services Outsourcing and Business Process Outsourcing services. |
Hilton Luxury chain of hotels. |
Tesco Is the UK's largest supermarket. |