The Government to set out New Visa Regime

The UK government are expected to set out a new visa regime for EU migrants due to the continuous lobbying of British businesses. The new regime would allow highly skilled migrants business entrepreneurs entry to the UK without any restrictions after Brexit.

The obvious skills gap in the capital has been acknowledged by Business Group, London First, who has proposed a solution; employers must do more to train local people to fill skill shortages. They group has also suggested a 6 year long ‘transitional phase’ in which the sufficient overseas workers will fill jobs in for industries with a lack of employment including jobs in engineering and in the health services. This has been said prior to the newly announced immigration bill which shall be presented to Parliament and the government’s Migration Advisory Committee.

The proposal by the Government comes after a growing sentiment and anxiety amongst CEO of a variety of companies. Many fear Britain leaving the EU would draw away valuable workers leading to a great loss in capital. EU nationals make up 15% of London’s total workforce and almost a third in the construction sector.

A Home Office spokesperson has said, ‘We are across government to identify and develop options to shape our future immigration system and will ensure businesses and communities are given the opportunity to contribute their views.”