UK Sponsorship License Application and Sponsor License Advisors

You may require hiring an employee from outside the EEA (European Economic Area) and Switzerland to work for you in the UK. To bring skilled migrant workers at first you must apply to the UK home office for sponsor license.

Eligibility of applying Sponsor License

Certain conditions require to be maintained before applying for a sponsor license. For instance,

  1. Your organization must be legally operated in the UK.
  2. You are honest and reliable not committing any crime against the law.
  3. You need to aware of and capable of carrying all the sponsorship duties and responsibilities.
  4. You require offering authentic work meeting the Tier 2 skill level.

Moreover, before applying for UK sponsor License you should select the type of visa you want for your employee and right after all the documents ready you are allowed to apply through online and pay the fee. You need to submit required documents to meet the necessary levels and these must be supplied within five days after you submit the application. However, it is not guaranteed that hired employees will have the opportunity to stay there in the UK permanently.

How UK immigration advisors help in easing your visa process

The process of applying a sponsor visa can be extremely time-consuming. Besides, failing in submitting documents may result in your application being delayed or at times rejected. Please bear in mind insufficient documentation are responsible for visa refusal as well. So, it is crucially important that your credentials are being submitted in an explicit way and none of them should be left without submission. However, employers may find it difficult and thus occurring visa refusal.

Sponsor License classification

As per the job requirements, employers of the UK are allowed to sponsor migrant in Tier 2 and Tier 5 visa categories. Tier 2 refers to the skilled workers with long term job offer while Tier 5 deals with the temporary skilled workers.

Tier 2 sponsor license overview

 A tier 2 sponsor license allows a UK employer to sponsor highly qualified skilled workers from outside the UK to fulfil the specific job position. When a migrant is sponsored by UK employer referring the certificate of sponsorship is issued by the UK home office and just then he is eligible to apply for Tier 2 visa category. If the process succeeds, the employee is allowed to start working in the UK. However, to begin with, the procedure of Tier 2 sponsor License, the applicant has to make an application to the UK authority. There are two parts of application procedure including on the web application and the other one sending all the supporting archives to the UK home office.

However, the UK home office will evaluate the application and quite often will organize a visit to the employer’s premises to assess if the company comply with its duties and should the sponsor license be granted to them. There are three principal areas that UK home office will consider during the review:

  1. If the company has a proper HR method to control the sponsored migrants.
  2. If the vacant position that the company is attempting to fill with skilled worker is original.
  3. If the organization knows about its obligations as a licensed sponsor.

Sponsor license reviews can be both reported and unannounced whereas the audits can occur during the application procedure or any time after the license has granted. However, if no review takes place at the time of application process, there is a greater possibility that the business will be audited following the approval of Tier 2 sponsor license. Most of the time, the audits during the stage of application process imply that UK authority may take longer to audit the business premises once more.

Sponsor License Application Procedure

A general overview of the steps engaged with the application procedure of sponsor license includes:

Step 1- Eligibility of application: You must meet the three main conditions so that your business has the capability of apply. For instance, the first one is to submit specified supporting documents as proof. Moreover, the organization must not have a past history of failing to carry out the sponsorship license.

Step 2-choosing the type of sponsor license you require:  You require specifying the type of sponsor license you are looking for.

Tier 2: This visa category is for highly professional employees with long term or permanent job offers which are including Tier 2 General, Intra-Company Transfer, Minister of Religion and Sportsperson.

Tier 5: This visa category is suitable for temporary workers which are including Charity Worker, Religious Worker, Government Authorised Exchange, International Agreement and Creative and Sporting.

Step 3- Prepare and send sponsor license application: You will require submitting an online application to the UKVI office. After submitting the application, you will be informed to send the required documents to the UK home office.

However, the tier 2 visa system process is more likely to be a quite complex process and the UKVI assess the application in a notorious manner which may result in visa refusal. Recent data shows almost 15% of applications are refused by the UK home office and usually there are no rights to appeal again for unsuccessful applications. You will need to wait a long time for re-submission your application with the full cost. Thus it is vital to get it right from the very beginning and thus seeking advice from sponsor license advisors may help you save both time and costs. Our sponsor license advisors can quickly deal with the legal issues by submitting the application on your behalf. We believe in being transparent and straightforward procedures to go through pretty well. We pride ourselves on being approachable and proactive in terms of understanding and meeting our clients’ needs. We have had highly professional sponsor license advisors, dedicated to providing clear and reliable immigration advice.


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