Tier 5 visa for temporary workers |Tier 5 visa category

Tier 5 visas are issued to those applicants who are wishing to work in the UK in a number of different circumstances for instance charity workers, entertainers, diplomatic staff and sportspeople. Most of them need a job offer from an authorized Tier 5 sponsors in the UK.

Tier 5 visa categories

  • Tier 5 temporary Visa –Charity Work: Applicants can submit their applications for this visa category who have an unpaid or voluntary job offer and a certificate of sponsorship from a UK charity. The job must be related to the sponsor charity’s work.
  • Tier 5 temporary visa- Creative and sporting: This visa category is issued to them who are highly skilled with a job offer in the UK as a creative work such as a musician or an actor. An employer must have a certificate of sponsorship with a valid Tier 5 sponsorship license.
  • Tier 5 temporary visa-Government authorized exchange: Applicants who are permitted to come in the UK with government authorised exchange scheme are eligible to apply for this visa category. Workers are allowed to do the training, academic research or fellowship there.
  • Tier 5 temporary visas- International Agreement: This category is issued to those who have a job offer that is covered by international law such as embassy and diplomatic household workers and a certificate of sponsorship with a valid Tier 5 sponsorship license.
  • Tier 5 temporary visas- Religious Worker: This visa is issued to those who have been offered a job such as preaching or work in a monastery or convent by a religious order in the UK.
  • Tier 5 temporary visas- Youth mobility scheme: This visa category is issued to them aged 18-30 wishing to live and work in the UK up to 2 years.
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