No recourse to public funds applications to change conditions of leave: July 2020

No recourse to public funds applications to change conditions of leave: July 2020

No Recourse To Public Funds (NRPF) is a standard condition applied to those in the UK with a temporary immigration status in order to protect public funds. Most migrants visiting, studying, working or joining family in the UK are subject to an NRPF condition until they have obtained indefinite leave to remain. Migrants here without leave are also subject to NRPF, by virtue of their being in the UK without status.

Exceptions are made in respect of some migrants, such as families here on the basis of family life/Article 8, where
the condition is lifted if the family can provide evidence that they would otherwise be destitute.

Migrants with leave under the family and human rights routes can apply to have the NRPF restriction lifted by making a ‘change of conditions’ application if there has been a change in their financial circumstances. The figures included in this ad-hoc release relate to these change of conditions applications, and subsequent decisions.

These figures do not directly relate to people, but rather individual claims and their outcomes. More than one claim can be made during a grant of leave and subsequent grants will be considered on their own merit and may have their own claim(s).

The Government has put in place various support measures in response to the current pandemic, which are available to some of those subject to the NRPF restriction. These include the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, facilities to assist the extremely vulnerable with access to shopping and
medication, as well as rent and mortgage holidays. Statutory sick pay and contributorybased employment and support allowances are also not classed as public funds.

For those in the UK on the basis of family life/Article 8, who can apply to have the condition lifted, the Home Office has recently digitised the application form and it is therefore now accessible for those who need to remain at home.
During the pandemic, the Department for Education has also temporarily extended eligibility for free school meals to include some groups who have NRPF.

Local authorities may also provide basic safety net support, regardless of immigration status, if it is established that there is a genuine care need that does not arise solely from destitution. To help them respond to Covid-19 pressures across all the services they deliver, including providing this support, the Government has allocated £3.7 billion to local authorities in England, and additional funding under the Barnett formula to the devolved administrations.

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