An amnesty has been given to those directly affected by the tragic fire at Grenfell. This means the Home Office will allow those who survived the tragedy to stay in the UK for 12 months regardless of their current immigration status. This amnesty also covers those who have valuable information regarding the incident and so this amnesty provides a reassurance that they shall not be deported and are able to provide information at ease. In a written statement given by the Home Office minister, Brandon Lewis, to the Parliament he said “Everyone affected by this tragedy needs reassurance that the government is there for them at this terrible time and we will continue to provide the support they need to help them through the difficult days, weeks and months to come.” He later confirmed that the survivors would be able to stay and so will be able to assist the authorities and provide answers to how near 80 people had lost their lives many of them being from immigrant backgrounds or were migrants themselves. The Labour party were happy with this decision but have suggested a more permanent stay should be given to the affected people.
Despite the announced amnesty, it seems life in the UK will not be as comfortable as perceived, many have lost family and are still suffering. There is also growing anger towards the government as many locals feel their views have not been heard and the still displaced people who have not received suitable homes. To sum up, although the government is stepping in the right direction it does not seem the migrants who resided in Grenfell shall receive a long-term decision to stay in the UK and should prepare for the worst including possible deportation.