How To Apply For A UK Visit Visa (Update – 2020)

How To Apply For A UK Visit Visa OR Visitor Standard Visa the UK


Applying for a UK visit visa post Covid-19 can be a stressful process and making sure the Visa is not refused, you need to make sure the application for the UK visa contains both the right information and evidences.

The purpose of the UK visitor visa is to allow a person to undertake multiple activities whilst they are in the UK, but the applicant should be able to explain what their main reason for coming to the UK is at the visa application stage, on entry and for extending their stay. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure they provide evidence to satisfy the Home Office who will be issuing the UK visit visa, that they meet the UK visitor Visa rules.

The application for the UK visit visa is assessed based on the information, immigration history and evidences. We see that the visa applications are being refused due to previous legal abuses. Whilst you are a genuine visitor, the UK Home Office must ensure that the UK visit visa application is applied correctly with the right information.

Please do avoid using agents and unqualified lawyers. Whilst their advice for your UK visit visa has worked previously or they sound confident, understand the immigration policy and its requirements prior applying. We see, and we will continue to see legal challenges against the decision. Applying for a UK visit visa whilst simple in their form, is a very complex application and getting it wrong can be easy.

The Home Office when assessing the UK visitor visa will assess all the information provided by the applicant (unless it is a document that should not be sent with the application) and any other evidence that may be relevant to the case. This must include any locally held information. Make an assessment considering all factors relevant to the
application. Where the applicant falls to be refused on one or more mandatory suitability grounds, they can be refused under the rules on suitability grounds, without an assessment of whether they meet the visitor eligibility requirements.

Home Office will look at your personal circumstances, their stated purpose of visit, their travel history and record of
compliance and whether they have adequate funds to cover the costs of their trip or, if they are applying to extend their stay, of the additional time they are seeking to stay here as a visitor. Supporting documents should back up statements made on the application form.

The UK Home Office can refuse your UK visitor visa application if you have not provided sufficient evidence to satisfy them that they meet the requirements of the visitor rules. The reasons for refusal must be factual, clear, and relevant to the application. For example, if an applicant in the past accessed public funds in the UK or has a poor immigration history, this factual evidence should be used in the refusal. If you have been refused a UK visit visa, its not the end of the process but please avoid providing wrongful information, as this leads to a 10 years ban.

Most UK visit visa 10 years ban cannot be overturned, unless, there was a genuine mistakes but you need to take legal advice.

At ICS Legal, we have been applying for UK visas for more than 14 years, we understand what is required and how to avoid refusals. We apply common sense when we apply for your UK visa. Its not all about case laws and trying to meet the requirements, its making sure we explain our intention and that we have the means to support us when we are here in the UK under the UK visit visa.

We have and continue to work with Client’s, all over the world, when they embark on applying for a UK visit visa. At times, we understand the Home Office do get decisions wrong, but we can help on this. However, please note when applying for a UK visit visa, make sure the application is done with thoughts. Its not about a loop hole, its all about applying the right way with the correct details when applying for a UK visit visa.

Home Office must be satisfied that the applicant meets all the requirements of V 4.2 to V 4.10 of the visitor rules and is a genuine visitor. See also V 8.4 for extensions of stay. If they are not satisfied, you must refuse their application. A visitor can enter, or extend their stay, to do different permitted activities but they should be expected to have a
main reason or reasons for visiting, for example for business or a holiday, and be able to provide details. However, particularly where a visitor holds a long-term, multiple entry visit visa valid for 2, 5 or 10 years, it is likely that their reason for visiting will differ over time. This is permissible, provided they continue to intend to undertake one or more permitted visitor activity.

A number of UK visit visa applications are refused because the previous travel history that you may have is poor or have overstayed. If an applicant has previously failed to comply with another country’s immigration law, for example, if they have been removed from another country, or if they have been refused entry to another country, this may suggest that an applicant is not a genuine visitor (depending on the circumstances).

Travel history should not be the only consideration in deciding whether you are satisfied an applicant is a genuine visitor. In particular, there may have been a change in circumstances since previous travel. You should consider all relevant information for each application including any social and economic factors and any locally held information.

Getting advice and help on your UK visit visa application is simple, contact us today on 0207 237 3388 or complete the free UK visa assessment

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