Carers Policy Changes

As we draw close to the closure of the free movement rights, we will see a number of changes to the immigration policies and we find that the new carers policy changes is essential to ensure we have an immigration system that would permit carers to support vulnerable adults.

The case of R v Secretary of State for the Home Department Ex parte Zakrocki, a matter heard at the Royals Court of Justice on the 29th March 1996, which went before Mr. Justice Carnwath. The Wednesbury was referred into the matter.

Now the Home Office policy around carers is to ensure leave is only granted on compelling and serious grounds.

However the general guidance on the carers policy is to grant temporary leave to remain. It should allow the person who needs caring, is supported until permanent care is made available.

The current challenge is that from the social services point of view, is that care is only provided based on assessment and these evidences are then used, possibly against the applicant who is applying, by making references to that.

Nonetheless, all matters are case by case and considerations are based on the personal circumstances.

If the application as a carer is refused, a right to appeal is generated however claims can also be certified, meaning right to appeal may be limited.

Taking advice from ICS Legal on the Carers policy changes

We at ICS Legal will provide guidance and correct advice on the carers policy changes.

As a UK regulated firm since 2006, we have the experience and knowledge to help on the immigration, nationality, human rights or EEA law. You can speak to one of our UK Immigration Lawyers on 0207 237 3388 or you can email us at

Author: ICS Legal

Last Updated: 16 December, 2020 | 02:21:10 PM

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